Monday, January 30, 2017

Top Interesting Secrets That Works (Part 1)

Interesting facts are useful things we can apply in our daily life. We can be our own doctor. Here are top interesting secretes you can use in daily life I am sharing with you.

1. Have hicupps? Hold your breath and swallow three times

2. Toothpaste not only zaps zit but also removes stain from clothes

3. Set your goal as password in many accounts this will help you achieve your goal and prevent you from forgetting password

4. Coffee is a great stimulant. Start your day with a cup of coffee which can reduce morning tiredness instantly 

5. Eating some chillies can burn a lot of calories

6. Need some free WiFi? The best area you can find it Panora, Apple Store, Staples and Courtyard Marriott

7. Any working cell phone, regardless if it is in service or not, will call 911

8. Going to a bar? Start by giving the bartender $20 as a tip. You'll get amazing services the rest of the night

9. Wrinkly shirt? Throw it in the dryer with a few ice cubes for 5 minutes. All wrinkles will go

10. Headache? Cut a lemon half and gently rub it in the forehead. It will cure headache

11, You can turn an old CD spindle into a unique bagel holder

12. Felling ugly and low motivated? Go sit in a Walmart for 2 hours. You will feel better

13. If accidentally close a tab in laptop, Press ctrl+shift+t reopens it

14. Take benefits of power outages. It;s the best possible time to get a good look at the night sky

15, Don't forget to put your home number writing home as a name in contact list that way of someone finds it they will contact you or even you will be helped in accident incidents

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