Thursday, January 5, 2017

Top 10 Strange Facts About Health

There are many surprising facts about health which many people don't know. Here i am sharing you some strange facts about health which might me interesting to you.

10. Myopia Can Never Be Cured

Severe Shortsightedness or Myopia is a progressive condition where distant vision is reduced to a great extent. Progressive myopia is requires vision power of -3 to -4 and then keeps on worsening the vision at higher level. Patient may feel difficult to walk normally and uncomfortable around people, he may also lose concentration level. No eye exercises and herbal medicine has proven to cure Progressive Myopia. Contact lens may change the shape of cornea but it cannot cure the condition. Glasses with -3 to -5 power are given to correct blurry vision properly.

9. Hyperopia Is Inherited By Birth

Long-sightedness or Hyperopia is caused by poor development of cornea where distant objects are seen clearly but near objects are seen clearly. But Hyperopia is inborn disorder. Symptoms may fail to appear until child's eye start to grow properly. One may feel worsening of symptoms at 4 to 5 years of age. They find difficulty in reading and watching television from close distant. Difficulty in watching photos and identifying people from near distant is also felt. Presbyopia is also similar condition of eye but is not long-sightedness. There is a confusion between Hyperopia and Presbyopia. Presbyopia occurs in old age or even in middle age. Presbyopia can also be caused by diabetes. 

8. Lack Of Exercise Is A Leading Cause Of Chronic Diseases

Besides alcohol and smoking lack of exercise is the chief causes of all kind of chronic diseases which can affect human health lifetime. Exercise is essential for calorie loss, proper digestion, strength, blood circulation, heart, brain, energy, metabolism and utilizing foods in our body. Lack of exercise can causes obesity, weakness, bone weakness, heart diseases, cancer and sleeplessness. Recent studies shows that lack of exercise can increase the number of death across the world.

7. Kissing Burns Calorie

Do you love kissing? If yes then there is a good news for you. Kissing each other or involvement of kissing many times with one's companion or even with baby have shown positive affects in health. While kissing relieves stress by giving a sense of reinforcement among parents and also helps lose calorie simultaneously.

6. Laughing Is Always Better

No matter in what condition you are in laughing is good for you in many ways. Laughing can help you lose weight by burning more calories. Laughing also help produces a stress relieving hormone which can reduce the sadness level.Laughing helps you to become positive in life and  make you cheerful so don't listen to anyone who will scold you for laughing. 

5. Enough Sleeping Can Increase Your Life Expectancy 

Sleeping is vital for our health. Sleeping eight hours or more can help you in your immune system and stress level. It can also prevent from being overweight. Good Quality sleep has positive effects on health. Sleeping well supports children growth and activity level while it helps to fight illness in adult. Enough sleeping can provide numerous health benefits.

4. Milk And Milk Products Causes Constipation

Consumption of milk and dairy products can cause constipation in many individuals. Milk, due to low in fiber content it increases the chances of constipation. Many products produces in dairy factory can also make people costive.

3. Going Vegetarian Increases The Chance Of Depression

Green vegetables contains anti-oxidants which is beneficial for health but lack of Vitamin B12 content in vegetable diet it fails to provide benefits of vitamin B12. Vegetables are low in Vitamin B12. Meat products contains a good amount of vitamin B12 which will help to bring mood up during stressful activities. 

2. Simple Carbs Can Increase Weight Just like Fats

Simple Carbohydrates diet contains low amount of vitamin and minerals which can overweight your body. It also cause blood sugar to increase which stimulate pancreas to produce insulin to absorb the sugar. However, Prolonged content of Simple Carbs are linked with type 2 diabetes and obesity.

1. High Dose Of Omega 3 Fats Can Cause Internal Bleeding

No doubt omega 3 fatty-acids is vital for brain including overall health. But proper absorption in the body in necessary. High dose of Omega 3 fatty-acids has shown toxicity with fat soluble vitamins. It may also cause bleeding and haemorrhage in the body.

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