Monday, January 30, 2017

Surprising Facts About Sperm Everyone Should Know

Sperm is a male reproductive fluid which is necessary for creating another human being but other than this many people don't know about the surprising facts about it. Sperm is sexy. Sperm is hot and it is equally interesting too.


1. Sperm Motility

Diet plays a major role in sperm formation and motility. Higher consumption  of coffee and tea may reduce the total count of sperm while Vitamin C may improve the sperm count along with it's motility. Men who include healthy diet like whole grain, cereals, protein, vitamins and minerals have high concentration of sperm motility rate. Alcohol can also bring down the concentration and make sperm less motile.

2. Nutrition In Sperm

Sperm contains essential nutrition like Protein, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Zinc, Potassium, Lactic acid and magnesium. Studies shows swallowing healthy sperm can be beneficial for health and lengthen life. Isn't this surprising?

3. Sperm Taste Differs 

Every man's Sperm doesn't taste same. Taste of sperm may differ from person to person. Fruit, lemon juice, beans, vegetables can improve the taste of sperm while alcohol and smoking cigarettes can deteriorate the sperm taste. Drinking more water can also improve the taste of sperm.

5. Sperm Live For Days

Sperm can stay active for three days anywhere. Study shows that sperm can live for two to five days inside women body under favorable conditions.

6. Handsome Men Have The Best Sperm

Study also defines that sperm attractiveness depends upon man's great personality. Best sperm was found in men who were taller, toned muscled, nice beard, facially sharp and active. 

7. Men Need To Have Regular Climax for Healthy Sperm

Irregular ejaculation and sexual abstinence can cause oxidative stress due to reduction in sperm turn-over. Study showed that men who ejaculated at least 4 or more times a month produced better quality sperm. 

8. Sperm Is Powerful 

Never underestimate sperm power. Sperm can melt in the surface of female egg and fertilize it. Even one drop of semen with sperm can give conception of new life. Be careful!

Top Interesting Secrets That Works (Part 1)

Interesting facts are useful things we can apply in our daily life. We can be our own doctor. Here are top interesting secretes you can use in daily life I am sharing with you.

1. Have hicupps? Hold your breath and swallow three times

2. Toothpaste not only zaps zit but also removes stain from clothes

3. Set your goal as password in many accounts this will help you achieve your goal and prevent you from forgetting password

4. Coffee is a great stimulant. Start your day with a cup of coffee which can reduce morning tiredness instantly 

5. Eating some chillies can burn a lot of calories

6. Need some free WiFi? The best area you can find it Panora, Apple Store, Staples and Courtyard Marriott

7. Any working cell phone, regardless if it is in service or not, will call 911

8. Going to a bar? Start by giving the bartender $20 as a tip. You'll get amazing services the rest of the night

9. Wrinkly shirt? Throw it in the dryer with a few ice cubes for 5 minutes. All wrinkles will go

10. Headache? Cut a lemon half and gently rub it in the forehead. It will cure headache

11, You can turn an old CD spindle into a unique bagel holder

12. Felling ugly and low motivated? Go sit in a Walmart for 2 hours. You will feel better

13. If accidentally close a tab in laptop, Press ctrl+shift+t reopens it

14. Take benefits of power outages. It;s the best possible time to get a good look at the night sky

15, Don't forget to put your home number writing home as a name in contact list that way of someone finds it they will contact you or even you will be helped in accident incidents

The Risks Of Texting While Driving

Texting while driving is the leading cause of accidents in the history. Mostly teenagers  are at higher risk of accidents because they are addicted more to texting and they are also inexperienced of driving properly. Business man is also at higher risk where he uses texts for serving his clients. Many Accidents while driving has caused death, bleeding and Physical trauma for entire life. Texting while driving can pose a great risk among people who do not text during driving period. Unlike texting; Calling and using mobile phone can also cause many road accidents. We can do best thing is by avoiding use of mobile texting while driving completely.

The Involved Risks 

  1. Car crash. Texting while driving is the main reason of driver distraction making 23 times more likely to cause fatal accidents. 
  2. Physical Trauma. Accidents occurred while driving can cause severe physical trauma, head injury and paralysis which can be life threatening.
  3. Collision with heavy loads like truck and buses can cause immediate death of a person
  4. Teenagers like college students are more prone to accidents than adults because they are often involved in texting while driving.

Wise people never use mobile during driving but many people are still careless to it and they are at greater risks of falling into accidents. The best thing is to follow rules of safety  while driving which can save millions people from accidents. 

Tips For Gag Reflex

Gag Reflex can be frustrating and unpleasant experience for someone who needs treatment for tooth cavity and orthodontic brace appliances. Gag Reflex is a contraction of the back of the throat caused when touching the back of the tongue, the side of the tongue, the area around the tonsils and even the back of the throat. Gagging happens while touching those area during dental treatments. X-Ray taken during tooth cavities test can also cause gag reflex. Dental impression can also trigger to gag reflex easily but it is a mandatory before starting of orthodontic treatments. Dental impression are also done for mensuration to wear bite plate. Minor gag reflex can also happen during brushing teeth and cleaning teeth. High sensitivity to gag reflex can make brushing impossible daily. Fear to gag reflex beforehand can causie gag to engage with slight opening of mouth during treatment.

Gag Reflex During Dental Impression 

Getting dental impression is never easy and can be nightmare to someone who is going to face it. Some people are highly sensitive to gag reflex. When  your body senses something other than air headed towards your larynx, pharynx or trachea your muscles spasm and contract uncontrollably as your body tries to force foreign objects outside immediately. It can also cause vomiting if foreign objects are not kept out timely. Your dentist will first put different size of dental impression trays in your mouth. You have to open your mouth large for putting that tray. The tray can touch your molar teeth area and induce gag reflex simultaneously but it is only mild. Difficult situation is when you have to put dental impression solids inside your mouth opening wide for some minutes. At this point you may feel severe gag reflex and put yourself the tray out of the mouth. This may make treatment impossible and further moving in another stage. Swallowing dental impression material maybe dangerous because they become hard solid within few seconds after putting inside the mouth and it can stuck in the throat badly. It can also cause chocking because the dental impression material is too hard solid that can hardly pass down. For this terrible reason I have pinpointed the methods which can minimize gag reflex.

Tips To Reduce Gag Reflex

1. Sit Up

If you are in lying on your back then tell your doctor to let you sit up. This helps the impression material to ooze forward in case of gag reflex which can also prevent choking meanwhile. Talk to your doctor to put the impression slowly as per your comfort zone. Open your mouth slowly to put the dental impression inside.

2. Breath Through Your Nose 

Don't breathe through your mouth which can make your throat dry and trigger gag reflex easily. Try to breath from your nose conentrating upper area. Breathe slowly. If you are congested then cure it first or put nasal sprays to remove congestion. Your doctor can also advice you to breathe from your nose.

3. Tolerate 

Let the dentist do dental impression in his own way. You can distract yourself from what's happening on your mouth by focusing mind on something important. Move your legs up and down. Don't panic and breathe easy. Try to endure discomfort for some period.

4. Making A Fist

Study shows making a Fist in a left hand can make gag reflex less severe. Try to squeeze your fist slowly and tightly. Doctor may also recommend you to open your eyes if you are closing it.

5. Talk To Doctor

There are many patient to be coming for same treatments at the same time when doctor will hardly converse you during treatment so tell doctor about your problems in detail and ask what can they do for your discomfort. Try to take a help from other health assistant too.

6. Nitrous Oxide 

In severe case Nitrous Oxide is administered for stopping gag reflex. Ask your doctor if he can provide laughing gas at initial state.

Tooth X-Ray is important for treating tooth cavities while dental impression is an essential part of orthodontic treatment to give you a great smile and fix the misalignment of the teeth. Try to follow the tips i have mentioned in my post which help reduce gag reflex.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Disadvantages Of Watching Horror Movies

Horror movies, Also known as scary movies are made to frighten and panic causing fears often in a terrifying manner to audience while entertaining more viewers. Horror movies are presented in supernatural creation for it's attraction and popularity. Horror films are centered in the dark part of life while many hidden secret concepts are included the movie. They also show reason how people become ghost and thus, initiate the stories. Some movie includes witches, Evil spirits, Devil and even incarnation of different morphs.

People use vivid imagination of ghosts in shadowy shape with unknown fears that are improbable. Watching horror films gives opening to that scary world and stimulate mind to watch movie entirely. Not everyone but there are many people who likes horror movies in a great extent. Interested people not only watch horror movies but also horror story books and serials. There are many horror movies made in hollywood and bollywood which have outstanding success records in the past years while there are evidence where some people's psychological health has adversely affected. Normally people watch horror movies for entertainment and time pass with friends and families but there are some movies which was proven to show negative impact on people's mental health too. Watching these movies often can affect people emotionally and mentally. So I have explained the disadvantages of watching horror movies in my blog.

1. Abnormal Phobia

Some people are emotionally weak and sensitive. Watching Too much scariest movie can affect their mental health badly. After watching movie completely they start to show abnormal symptoms like restlessness, Increase in heart rate, Cold sweating, protrusion Too much frightened and even sleeplessness. These symptoms may last for at least a week. Patient may still feel difficult to forget the weird sound, screaming and scary ghost face from the watched movie. Abnormal Phobia can affect one's digestive system badly. It can also make people mentally sick for longer period of time.

2. Insomnia 

Watching horror movies can also cause difficulties in sleeping the whole night. It will also scare people to sleep alone. Insomnia is not common only in children but also in adults. People who take concept of horror movies seriously may experience sleep disturbance and palpitation in the night time. Insomnia can interfere with physical and mental health. 

3. Hallucination 

Some people may experience unusual hallucination most of the time after watching horror movies. Hallucination may be felt mostly at room, kitchen and toilets. In some cases Hallucination of ghost can cause heart-attack and unconscious in sensitive peoples. He may also find difficulty in working alone at home.

4. Nightmares 

There are high chances of nightmares if one has watched horror movies just before sleeping. Well nightmares are harmless but excessive nightmares can affect heart health. It can show abnormal psychological effects.

5. Stress 

Horror movies have shown negative effects on stress level. Horror movies can give rise to stress level and make people more tense leaving them worried than before.

6. Change In Behavior 

People who gets easily startled and anxious are affected by violence and gore scene shown in the movie. Deep thought in such movies change their behavior abnormally. 

7. Blood Coagulation

Recent studies have shown that scary movies can cause blood coagulation. Blood coagulation was found only in people who watched horror movies frequently. With proper investigation horror movies have shown problem in health. 

Conclusion: I recommend you to avoid watching horror movies if you have developed any of the above mentioned disadvantages so far. Try to avoid watching horror movies if you are emotionally sensitive.

Some Bollywood horror movies

1. 1920 


1920 was releases in 2008 september 12. This movie was regarded as scariest and frightened many audience in the theater. This movie achieved great success in year 2008.

2. Haunted 3D 
Haunted 3D

Haunted 3d is directed by vikram bhatt and was released in 2011 may 6. The movie proved to be the top scariest movie ever in bollywood. This movie also achieved a great success and frightened many audience.

3. 1920: The Evil Returns 
1920: The Evil Returns

1920: The Evil Return was released in 2012 november 2. Film based on previous 1920 and exorcism was successful in scaring many audience in the theater. This movie also showed positive results in box office.

4. 1920 London 

1920 London

1920 London is a new horror movie and was released in 2016 may 6. This movie was also regarded as Scary movie.

Some Hollywood horror movies

1. The Shining (1980) 

2. The Others (2001) 

3. Poltergeist (1982) 

4. The Evil Dead (1981) 
The Evil Dead

5. It (1990) 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Entertainment For Life

Entertainment should be a part of a daily life. There are many ways to entertain yourself depending upon your desire and hobbies. Book, Literature, Comedy videos, Jokes, Sex, Television, Internet, Filmy Drama, Movie, Sports, Games, Cinema, Dance, Music Videos are some of the top examples of entertainment that people like and they pursue it in their part of a life. Entertainment is essential for life. People Can't imagine life without entertainment. Can You? People can indulge themselves in immense pleasure in entertainment and I do myself. But entertainment is always not positive and can be a misleading to someone in term of addiction. For example nightclubs, alcoholism and misutilization of internet that can spoil anyone causing addiction to it. Moderation is good but one can take such thing excessively as entertaining to themselves.

Advantages Of Entertainment

  • Entertainment have shown positive effects on stress level.
  • Entertainment help us to have fun and enjoy our time.
  • Reading books and many articles can give you a good knowledge. It can also make you aware about social crimes. 
  • With vast popularity of internet it can help you become independent too.
  • It helps you build your own talent.
  • Entertainment is good for brain. Healthy mind leads to a successful life. Entertainment makes you happy. Everyone needs a break in daily life and taking a break from daily work with entertaining programmes can refresh and relax mind
  • Music, dance and movies helps to preserve country cultures.
  • You can learn many things from entertainment because there are large category involved in it.
  • Entertainment builds friendship and good for meeting new peoples.
  • Entertainment makes you innovative

Disadvantages Of Entertainment 

  • Teenagers and children are badly affected by entertainment. There study level can get impaired if they focus on video games, cartoons, disco, nightclubs and filmy videos. It is becomes very difficult to control their behaviors if they are addicted to it. Teenagers are involved in riskier activities and may not follow what their parents advice the too.
  • Violence HD games and films have great impact on youths which can make them involve in fighting and even juvenile crimes.
  • Sexual entertainment may mislead youngster to adult for committing Rape
  • Nightclubs and disco bars involve many people for prostitution. They also charge people with expensive price for a visit. It can badly affect country's social status.
  • Addiction to any kind of entertainment is a total waste of time, money and health. In return it can make people's mind dull and lifeless.

Entertainment is vital in our life but is not free from drawbacks too. Utilization of entertainment completely depends on one's hand. You can do online research with proper guidelines about entertainment world.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Remedy For Common Cold

I have already explained about causes and prevention of common cold in my previous article. Common cold is an obstinate disease anyone can catch. In some people it's symptoms may appear for a month. So here i will tell you how can we reduce the duration of common cold with it's treatments.

Note: There is no proven methods that can control the symptoms of common cold. Patients have to go through all symptoms for day or two. There are no drugs that can cure common colds. I have mentioned some home remedy that can help treat common cold effectively. 

1. Plenty of warm water

Nothing better then warm water which will hydrate our body easily and ease sore throat. It can also help make mucus thinner. Tea and caffeine can further irritate upper respiratory tract with their dehydrating properties. Drink plenty of warm water to treat the cold.

2. Wear warm clothes 

Try to protect your neck area by wearing scarf. Wear full protective clothes to protect yourself from cold. Keeping yourself warm during sickness can help you heal faster.

3. Nasal Sprays

Nasal sprays can irrigate nasal passage in effective way helping to heal cold faster.

4. Paracetamol 

Fever is common during infection on first day. Take paracetamol to bring down fever.

5. Suck on ginger

Place a clean raw ginger in your tongue and suck it many times a day. Ginger with anti-inflammatory properties can also kill bacteria and reduce irritation.

6. Plenty of rest

Drowsiness and fatigue can be felt during severe common cold. It can also be the side-effects of using drugs. Resting a while can give you power to regain health during cold. Stressful activity should be avoided. Try to take plenty of rest if possible.

7. Mint inhalation 

This is the most effective method to treat cold in short period. Inhalation of mint vapor with hot water can reduce nasal congestion and prevent further complication. Contact drugstore for mint inhaler.

Warning: Foods to avoid during cold are milk and milk products. Nuts and fish should be avoided because these foods can increase the production of mucus and lengthen the duration of cold.

If you do not find any improvements even after one week then contact doctor without any delay.